Sunday, March 16, 2008

Starting on a Sunday!

So, I guess Sunday is a good day to start blogging, right? This is all new to me, but I'm up for the challenge. I have truly enjoyed reading posts on other's blogs, so maybe people will enjoy reading mine! I can't post any cute baby pics, cause I don't have babies, but I have 2 cute kitties! This weekend has been fun- I experienced my first Eagle Pass parade. I think it was called the "Friendship Parade". Both Mexico and Texas were represented and it was 3 HOURS LONG!!! After this white girl was in the 95 degree sun for that long, I have been transformed into a lobster- Oh how I hurt! Anyway, I caught some cool pics of the parade that I am going to attempt to post.


Anonymous said...

Hey Julian here, Good to see you are doing well where it's warm lol lucky you :D

Seeking Adventure said...

Hey there stranger! How ya been? You still in Toronto? What's new with life? I would love to catch up sometime!

tg_weaver said...

worse than v.b. 02? i dont think so.... lol glade to see u on the blogosphere cant wait to see u in person. miss you lots


Seeking Adventure said...

Well, maybe not THAT bad, but it's close. It's almost purple. I should post a pic, huh?